Resources / Activity / Bubble Snakes

Bubble Snakes

    Cognitive Development and General Knowledge (CD)
    48-60 months

After the children have experienced regular bubble blowing, try this wacky variation. Cut the bottom off of a sturdy plastic bottle such as juice or water bottle. Slip the cuff of a sock over the end and up to the top of the bottle, then tape it securely to the neck of the bottle. You can add a rubber band in the middle if desired. Make a bubble solution and dip the end of the sock into it. Add food coloring to make colored snakes; add several colors and you get rainbow snakes. During outdoor time, ask the children what will happen when they blow into the bottle. Be sure to ask them why they think this will happen. Record their predictions. Blow hard into the top of the bottle (don't suck in!) and watch the bubble snake form. Wow!